1. Rhomberg, C. (2004). No there there race, class, and political community in Oakland. Berkeley: University of California Press.
This book maps some of the complicated relationships between class, race, and politics in 20th century Oakland, including how local citizen groups impact the city planning process.
2. Blackford, M. G. (1993). City Planning in Oakland and Los Angeles. The Lost Dream Businessmen and City Planning on the Pacific Coast, 1890–1920 (pp. 63-81). Columbus: Library of Congress Cataloging.
This book mainly talks about the Robinson plan that was implemented in Oakland. It also talks about the original planning before Robinson.
3. San Francisco General Plan :: Transportation. (n.d.). San Francisco Planning Department
:Home. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from
This website article talks about the history of transportation in Oakland. Time period covered in this article ranged from pre 1906 to post 1990.
4. City of Oakland - Official City Website. City of Oakland - Official City
Website. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from
This journal talks about the Historic Preservation Element in the Oakland General Plan. This journal also talks about the the early history of Oakland and how the original planning happened. Also covers time periods from about 1850-1945.
5. City of Oakland - Official City Website. City of Oakland - Official City
Website. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from
This journal talks about creating the land use and transportation element for Oakland. This journal also includes early history, pictures of Oakland, and statistical information about the economy, housing, employment and population.
6. Johnson, M. S. (1993). The second gold rush Oakland and the East Bay in World War II. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Discusses the changes brought by World War II to the East Bay; claims that the war was as formative in Bay Area history as the 19th century gold rush. Chapter 4 features an interesting discussion of changing land use and residential patterns in the East Bay.
7.Self, R. O. (2003). American Babylon: race and the struggle for postwar Oakland. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Focus on racial politics and postwar struggle for control over economic resources in Oakland. Nuanced descriptions of some of the distinct groups vying for power and political voice in the city.
8. Rodriguez, J. A. (1999). Rapid Transit and Community Power: West Oakland Residents Confront BART. Antipode, 31(2), 212.
Journal article describing West Oakland’s mobilization around the construction of BART stations and track in that neighborhood. Connects West Coast and Southern civil rights movements and provides a history of West Oakland.
9. City of Oakland California. Oakland Planning Commission. City of Oakland General Plan. 1998.
This government document outlines Oakland’s official vision for the city and plan to achieve this vision. It contains eight elements: land use and transportation, estuary policy plan, open space, historic preservation, housing, noise, safety and scenic highways.
10. City of Oakland California. Community and Economic Development Agency. Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development. July 1, 2010. Accessed February 16, 2013.
This document is required to be submitted by the City of Oakland every 5 years in order to receive Community Development Block Grants and other federal funding. It describes the city’s housing needs, resources and plans.
11. City of Oakland California. Oakland Pedestrian Safety Project. Pedestrian Master Plan. November 12, 2002. Accessed February 20, 2013.
Created in 2002, this is a detailed document outlining the City of Oakland’s plan to make the city more pedestrian-friendly. It speaks of the importance of walkable communities, their strategy to actualize their vision and even describes a few design elements of their plan.
12. City of Oakland California. Bicycle Master Plan. 2007. Accessed February 20, 2013.
This document maps out the City of Oakland’s plan to create a bicycle network throughout the city. It sites healthy communities, increased social interaction and sustainability as some of the key benefits of investing in such a plan. Then it continues to describe and prioritize the various projects to be done.
13. Skowronek, Russell K. (1998). Sifting the Evidence: Perceptions of Life at the Ohlone (Costanoan) Missions of Alta California. Ethnohistory. Duke University Press. Vol. 45, No. 4 (Autumn, 1998) pp. 675-708
Journal examining the Native Ohlone Tribe and its use of land during its inhabitation in the Bay Area.
14. Williams, Jack S. (2003). The Ohlone of California. The Library of Native Americans. The Rosen Publishing Group. Pg. 1-64.
A historical outlook on how the Ohlone people survived in its influence by the Spanish and eventually American settlements.
15. Lee, Antoinette J. (1990). Spanish Missions. APT Bulletin. Association for Preservation Technology International. Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 42-54.
Journal examining the influences by the Spanish missions on the areas and regions that make up the coastal missions.
16. Kemp, R. (2006). Cities and nature: A handbook for renewal. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers. Book. Survey of many major American cities’ use of local natural resources. Brief mention of Oakland, used only in conjunction with discussion of Lake Merritt.
17. (p. 115, 89). Portney, K. (2003). Taking sustainable cities seriously: Economic development, the environment, and quality of life in american cities. (pp. 78-116). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Book. Systematic approach to issues concerning patterns of what makes cities adopt sustainability initiatives. Suggests that previous sustainability regulation has stemmed from federal regulation, but future successes may be dependent upon more local solutions to integrating population growth, economic development, land use, energy use and transportation. Creative examples come from the U.S., Canada, Europe and elsewhere in the world.
18. Baim, D. (1994). The sports stadium as a municipal investment. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. Book. Overview of statistics for fifteen U.S. stadiums, with attention to history, role of government, funding, civic pride and other externalities.
19. Victor Rubin, The Roles of Universities in Community Building. (working paper., University of California at Berkeley IURD, 1998).
Professional paper. Synopsis and assessment of three case studies where UCB played a collaborative role in planning initiatives. Written by Victor Rubin, adjunct associate professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning and the director of research and community programs for the University-Oakland Metropolitan Forum at the University of California at Berkeley.
20. Bagwell, B. (1982). Oakland, the story of a city. Novato, CA: Presidio Press.
In-depth discussion of the history of Oakland, from the Native American inhabitants of the area until the current moment. Includes an especially detailed description of the history at the time of incorporation.
21. "Horace Carpentier." Chapters 14 - A history of Berkeley, From the ground up. 07 Mar. 2013 <>.Detailed history of Horace Carpentier and his impact on the Oakland Waterfront. Includes his development with the wharf
22. "Oakland History Timeline." Celebrate Oakland. 07 Mar. 2013 <>. Comprehensive timeline covering majors events from Oakland’s past. Posts all major urban planning advancements
23. "When Trains Ruled the East Bay." - Oakland Magazine. 07 Mar. 2013 <>.
Thorough article which explores the budding of the Key system and FM Smith.
Photo Credits
Oakland History
This book maps some of the complicated relationships between class, race, and politics in 20th century Oakland, including how local citizen groups impact the city planning process.
2. Blackford, M. G. (1993). City Planning in Oakland and Los Angeles. The Lost Dream Businessmen and City Planning on the Pacific Coast, 1890–1920 (pp. 63-81). Columbus: Library of Congress Cataloging.
This book mainly talks about the Robinson plan that was implemented in Oakland. It also talks about the original planning before Robinson.
3. San Francisco General Plan :: Transportation. (n.d.). San Francisco Planning Department
:Home. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from
This website article talks about the history of transportation in Oakland. Time period covered in this article ranged from pre 1906 to post 1990.
4. City of Oakland - Official City Website. City of Oakland - Official City
Website. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from
This journal talks about the Historic Preservation Element in the Oakland General Plan. This journal also talks about the the early history of Oakland and how the original planning happened. Also covers time periods from about 1850-1945.
5. City of Oakland - Official City Website. City of Oakland - Official City
Website. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from
This journal talks about creating the land use and transportation element for Oakland. This journal also includes early history, pictures of Oakland, and statistical information about the economy, housing, employment and population.
6. Johnson, M. S. (1993). The second gold rush Oakland and the East Bay in World War II. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Discusses the changes brought by World War II to the East Bay; claims that the war was as formative in Bay Area history as the 19th century gold rush. Chapter 4 features an interesting discussion of changing land use and residential patterns in the East Bay.
7.Self, R. O. (2003). American Babylon: race and the struggle for postwar Oakland. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Focus on racial politics and postwar struggle for control over economic resources in Oakland. Nuanced descriptions of some of the distinct groups vying for power and political voice in the city.
8. Rodriguez, J. A. (1999). Rapid Transit and Community Power: West Oakland Residents Confront BART. Antipode, 31(2), 212.
Journal article describing West Oakland’s mobilization around the construction of BART stations and track in that neighborhood. Connects West Coast and Southern civil rights movements and provides a history of West Oakland.
9. City of Oakland California. Oakland Planning Commission. City of Oakland General Plan. 1998.
This government document outlines Oakland’s official vision for the city and plan to achieve this vision. It contains eight elements: land use and transportation, estuary policy plan, open space, historic preservation, housing, noise, safety and scenic highways.
10. City of Oakland California. Community and Economic Development Agency. Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development. July 1, 2010. Accessed February 16, 2013.
This document is required to be submitted by the City of Oakland every 5 years in order to receive Community Development Block Grants and other federal funding. It describes the city’s housing needs, resources and plans.
11. City of Oakland California. Oakland Pedestrian Safety Project. Pedestrian Master Plan. November 12, 2002. Accessed February 20, 2013.
Created in 2002, this is a detailed document outlining the City of Oakland’s plan to make the city more pedestrian-friendly. It speaks of the importance of walkable communities, their strategy to actualize their vision and even describes a few design elements of their plan.
12. City of Oakland California. Bicycle Master Plan. 2007. Accessed February 20, 2013.
This document maps out the City of Oakland’s plan to create a bicycle network throughout the city. It sites healthy communities, increased social interaction and sustainability as some of the key benefits of investing in such a plan. Then it continues to describe and prioritize the various projects to be done.
13. Skowronek, Russell K. (1998). Sifting the Evidence: Perceptions of Life at the Ohlone (Costanoan) Missions of Alta California. Ethnohistory. Duke University Press. Vol. 45, No. 4 (Autumn, 1998) pp. 675-708
Journal examining the Native Ohlone Tribe and its use of land during its inhabitation in the Bay Area.
14. Williams, Jack S. (2003). The Ohlone of California. The Library of Native Americans. The Rosen Publishing Group. Pg. 1-64.
A historical outlook on how the Ohlone people survived in its influence by the Spanish and eventually American settlements.
15. Lee, Antoinette J. (1990). Spanish Missions. APT Bulletin. Association for Preservation Technology International. Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 42-54.
Journal examining the influences by the Spanish missions on the areas and regions that make up the coastal missions.
16. Kemp, R. (2006). Cities and nature: A handbook for renewal. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers. Book. Survey of many major American cities’ use of local natural resources. Brief mention of Oakland, used only in conjunction with discussion of Lake Merritt.
17. (p. 115, 89). Portney, K. (2003). Taking sustainable cities seriously: Economic development, the environment, and quality of life in american cities. (pp. 78-116). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Book. Systematic approach to issues concerning patterns of what makes cities adopt sustainability initiatives. Suggests that previous sustainability regulation has stemmed from federal regulation, but future successes may be dependent upon more local solutions to integrating population growth, economic development, land use, energy use and transportation. Creative examples come from the U.S., Canada, Europe and elsewhere in the world.
18. Baim, D. (1994). The sports stadium as a municipal investment. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. Book. Overview of statistics for fifteen U.S. stadiums, with attention to history, role of government, funding, civic pride and other externalities.
19. Victor Rubin, The Roles of Universities in Community Building. (working paper., University of California at Berkeley IURD, 1998).
Professional paper. Synopsis and assessment of three case studies where UCB played a collaborative role in planning initiatives. Written by Victor Rubin, adjunct associate professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning and the director of research and community programs for the University-Oakland Metropolitan Forum at the University of California at Berkeley.
20. Bagwell, B. (1982). Oakland, the story of a city. Novato, CA: Presidio Press.
In-depth discussion of the history of Oakland, from the Native American inhabitants of the area until the current moment. Includes an especially detailed description of the history at the time of incorporation.
21. "Horace Carpentier." Chapters 14 - A history of Berkeley, From the ground up. 07 Mar. 2013 <>.Detailed history of Horace Carpentier and his impact on the Oakland Waterfront. Includes his development with the wharf
22. "Oakland History Timeline." Celebrate Oakland. 07 Mar. 2013 <>. Comprehensive timeline covering majors events from Oakland’s past. Posts all major urban planning advancements
23. "When Trains Ruled the East Bay." - Oakland Magazine. 07 Mar. 2013 <>.
Thorough article which explores the budding of the Key system and FM Smith.
- Blackford, M. G. (1993). City Planning in Oakland and Los Angeles. The Lost Dream Businessmen and City Planning on the Pacific Coast, 1890-1920 (pp. 63-81). Columbus: Library of Congress Cataloging.
- Zinko, C. (2007, September 25). WWII meant opportunity for many women, oppression for others . San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved February 23, 2013, from
- Donald, H. M. Jerry Brown’s No-Nonsense New Age for Oakland, City Journal Autumn 1999. City Journal. Retrieved February 22, 2013, from
- Jones, Carolyn. “Oakland: Grand reopening of Altenheim senior home” SF Gate, December 17, 2010. //
- Victor Rubin, The Roles of Universities in Community Building. (working paper., University of California at Berkeley IURD, 1998).
- Kemp, R. (2006). Cities and nature: A handbook for renewal. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.
- Portney, K. (2003). Taking sustainable cities seriously: Economic development, the environment, and quality of life in american cities. (pp. 78-116). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
- Baim, D. (1994). The sports stadium as a municipal investment. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
- City of Oakland - Official City Website. City of Oakland - Official City Website. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from
- San Francisco General Plan :: Transportation. (n.d.). San Francisco Planning Department : Home. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from
- Land Use and Transportation Element. (n.d.). City of Oakland General Plan. Retrieved February 22, 2013, from p. 18.
- Department of Transportation. (n.d.). Cypress Freeway Replacement Project - Case Studies - Environmental Justice - Environment - FHWA. Home | Federal Highway Administration. Retrieved March 2, 2013, from
- BART - A History of BART: The Concept is Born. BART - Bay Area Rapid Transit. Retrieved February 23, 2013, from
- City of Oakland California. Oakland Planning Commission. City of Oakland General Plan “Open Space, Conservation and Recreation”.1998. Accessed February 16, 2013.
- City of Oakland California. Community and Economic Development Agency. Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development. July 1, 2010. Accessed February 16, 2013.
- David Baker + Partner. Tassafaronga Village. Accessed March 2, 2013. http://
- Eden Housing. Accessed March 2, 2013.
- Case Studies: Fruitvale Transit Village Project. Accessed March 2, 2013.
- One Bay Area. One Bay Area Fact Sheet: SB 375. Oakland, 2009. Accessed March 2, 2013.
- Building Standards Commission. CAL Green.
- Regional Housing Need Allocation. Association of Bay Area Governments. Accessed March 2, 2013.
- Pacific Gas and Electric. Energy Savings Assistance Program.
- Association of Bay Area Governments, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Bay Area Area Quality Management District, Bay Conservation and Development. Regional Initiatives: Plan Bay Area. Accessed March 6, 2013.
- Association of Bay Area Governments, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Bay Area Area Quality Management District, Bay Conservation and Development. One Bay Area. Accessed March 6, 2013.
- Metropolitan Planning Commission. New Bay Area Plan Puts Change in Motion. Accessed March 6, 2013.
- Association of Bay Area Governments. Current Facts. Accessed March 6, 2013.
- California Department of Transportation: The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Seismic Safety Projects. Bay Bridge History Timeline. Accessed March 6, 2013.
- Port of Oakland. Accessed March 6, 2013.
- City of Oakland - City Administration: Economic and Workforce Development. International Trade and Logistics. Accessed March 6, 2013.
- Port of Oakland. Airport Development Program. Accessed March 6, 2013.
- Port of Oakland. Master Plan Overview. Accessed March 6, 2013.
- Bay Area Rapid Transit District. Celebrating 40 Years of Service 1972-2012: Forty BART Achievements Over the Years. Accessed March 6, 2013.
- AMTRAK. Amtrak Fact Sheet, Fiscal Year 2012: State of California. Accessed March 6, 2013.
- AC Transit. Ridership, Bus Fleet and Service. Accessed March 6, 2013.
- City Administration > Neighborhood Investment. Coliseum Project Area. Accessed March 6, 2013.
- Oracle Coliseum and Coliseum. Accessed March 6, 2013.
Photo Credits
- Oakland’s First National Bank. YesterYear Once More. Retrieved March 4, 2013.
- Oakland City Hall 1920. Route40. Accessed March 4, 2013.
- One day’s output at Chevrolet factory. Hemmings Daily. Accessed March 4, 2013.
- Cohen, Moses L.. Downtown Oakland, c.1945, on the corner of 14th and Webster Streets . 1945. Oakland Public Library, Oakland History Room and Maps Division, Oakland, CA. Online Archive of California. Web. 24 Feb. 2013.
- Cypress Freeway. 1950. Oakland Tribune Collection, Oakland, CA.EcoJustice. Web. 4 Mar. 2103.
- Stoller, Ezra . Oakland Museum of California. 1968. ARTstor, Oakland, CA. ARTstor. Web. 2 Mar. 2013.
- Jones, Pirkle. A Black Panther demonstration on July 30, 1968, at the Alameda County Courthouse in Oakland during Huey P. Newton’s trial.. 1968. Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, Oakland, CA. The New York Times. Web. 4 Mar. 2013.
- Ramirez, Daniel. Oakland City Hall. 2008. Wikipedia Commons, Oakland, CA.Wikipedia. Web. 2 Mar. 2013.
- Paramount Theatre. Art Deco Society of California, Oakland, CA. Royal Society Jazz Orchestra. Web. 2 Mar. 2013.
- Earthquakes Hazards Program. US Geological Survey. Accessed March 4, 2013.
- City of Oakland - Official City Website. City of Oakland - Official City Website. Accessed March 3, 2013, from oak035235.pdf
- Blackford. 1993. The Oakland Civic Auditorium helped prepare the city for Panama – Pacific International Exhibition. From the Hegemann Plan for Oakland and Berkeley. Accessed March 4, 2013.
- Blackford. 1993. Oaklanders wanted a city of tree-lined streets and single –family houses. From the Robinson Plan for Oakland. Accessed March 4, 2013.
- City of Oakland California. Oakland Pedestrian Safety Project. Pedestrian Master Plan. November 12, 2002. Accessed February 20, 2013.
- City of Oakland California. Oakland Planning Commission. City of Oakland General Plan “Estuary Policy Plan.” 1998. Accessed February 16, 2013.
- City of Oakland California. Oakland Planning Commission. City of Oakland General Plan “Open Space, Conservation and Recreation”.1998. Accessed February 16, 2013.
- East Bay Affordable Housing Organizations. Affordable Housing Guidebook. Oakland: 2012. Accessed March 2, 2013.
- Affordable Housing Associates. Accessed March 2, 2013. http://www.ahairg/.
- Jones, Carolyn. “Oakland: Grand reopening of Altenheim senior home” SF Gate, December 17, 2010. //
- “Ohlone Indians”
- “Ohlone Villages”
- “Map of California Missions” (
- “Map of US Annexation after Mexican-American War” (
- “Illustration of Oakland- 1852”
Oakland History
- The Oakland Museum
- The Oakland History Room
- California Historical Society
- Oakland Heritage Alliance
- Hobbyist’s list of Oakland landmarks
- The San Francisco Chronicle
- The Oakland Tribune
- UC Berkeley’s Library of Environmental Design
- Oakland Public Library System
- The historic Paramount Theater
- Preservation Park
- East Bay Housing Organizations
- Affordable Housing Associates
- Eden Housing
- City of Oakland Official Website
- Oakland Planning and Zoning Board
- Association of Bay Area Governments
- Metropolitan Transportation Comission.
- Association of Bay Area Governments.
- California Department of Transportation.
- Just for Fun: Oakland Events, Art, and Business
- The Bay Lights
- Oakland Local
- Oakland Grown
- Oakland Art Murmur
- Oaklandish
- Oakland A’s Schedule
- Children’s Fairyland
- The Dunsmuir House
- Oakland Zoo
- Mountain View Cemetary